Friday, 1 February 2013

Get LUCKY with MULTI LUCKY Personal Accident Insurance Lucky Draw

Multi Purpose Insurans Bhd launced their latest product,
MULTI LUCKY Personal Accident Insurance


2d1n stay at
Swiss-Garden Residences Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Worth RM300
Call 012 2098986
email to


Life can be unpredictable. No one knows when an accident can happen. Serious events can cause major changes in your life or the lives of your love ones. The lifestyle and comfort you and your spouse are enjoying now may be disrupted by an accident. Overnight, things could look very different.
That is why MULTI LUCKY Personal Accident Insurance policy is essential for you to fall back on financially.

2d1n stay at
Swiss-Garden Residences Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Worth RM300
Call 012 2098986 or
email to

Premium RM500 and above to qualify.
Results will be publish on 31 May 2013